SCI Account-Management

Dept. of Computer Science

SCI account management

Welcome to the administration platform of the Computer Science Service Center for SCI user accounts.

How do I get an SCI account?

Via this platform you can apply for services and associated accounts provided by the Service Center Informatik and in some cases activate them independently.

To do this, you must .

Accounts and services at the SCI

Students at the Department of Computer Science can get the following from the SCI (Service-Center Informatik)

  • A login account for the SCI server (Linux, terminal rooms etc.)
  • A ShareLaTeX account for the SCI ShareLaTeX server.
  • Einen SCI-JITSI-Student account for video conferences .

In addition they can also use several other services …

  • GitLab server, virtual machines etc. (see SCI websites).

Work groups and staff can also take advantage of further SCI services.

What can I do on this plattform?

You can manage your accounts on this platform.
Log in to extend or delete your existing accounts or to request new accounts.
This is especially relevant if you receive an email from us to extend or delete accounts.

The offer is being extended further in order to control more aspects.
Until then you can contact us at the SCI service point if required (48-226, Tel. 0631-205-2655).

last modification: 12. Oct. 2024 (3 months)